Spis treści

Dodawanie kolejnej domeny do exchange ( suffix konta)

Adding a UPN Suffix to a Forest

    Open Active Directory Domains and Trusts.
    Right-click Active Directory Domains and Trusts in the Tree window pane, and then click Properties.
    On the UPN Suffixes tab, type the new UPN suffix that you would like to add to the forrest.
    Click Add, and then click OK.

Now when you add users to the forest, you can select the new UPN suffix to complete the user's logon name.

Konfiguracja antyspamu i rbl


& $env:ExchangeInstallPath\Scripts\Install-AntiSpamAgents.ps1
Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport
Add-IPBlockListProvider -name bl.spamcop.net -lookupdomain bl.spamcop.net
Add-IPBlockListProvider -name zen.spamhaus.org -lookupdomain zen.spamhaus.org
Set-SenderIDConfig -SpoofedDomainAction Delete
Set-SenderReputationConfig -SenderBlockingEnabled $true -SrlBlockThreshold 6 -SenderBlockingPeriod 36
Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlankSenderBlockingEnabled $true
Set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLQuarantineThreshold 6
Set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLDeleteEnabled $true
Set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLQuarantineEnabled $true -QuarantineMailbox administrator@somedomain.com
Set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLRejectEnabled $false

Przenoszenie bazy

Move-DatabasePath "Mailbox Database 0314455087" -EdbFilePath "D:\Mailbox Database 0314455087\Mailbox Database 0314455087.edb"
-LogFolderPath "D:\Mailbox Database 0314455087"

Gdzie Mailbox Database 0314455087 to baza którą chcemy przenieść

Wyszukiwanie wiadomości

Get-MessageTrackingLog -start '06/24/2015' -resultsize unlimited | where-object {$_.Sender -like '*gmail.com'}

rozmiar skrzynek

Get-MailboxStatistics -Server dakota | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending | ft Displayname,Totalitemsize

Wygasanie haseł

On my server, these settings are disabled under the Local Security Policy (WS2012 Essentials.) However, they can be changed under the Group Policies.

From the charms, search Apps for “gpmc.msc” and start it. Group Policy Management -> Forest: YourServerName.local -> Domains -> YourServerName.local Select “Default Domain Policy” then right-click and select “Edit…” to open the Group Policy Management Editor.

Group Policy Management Editor Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Account Policies -> Password Policy

Blokowanie adresów i całych domen

Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedSenders <MultiValuedProperty>

For example, to block kim@contoso.com, run the following command:

Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedSenders kim@contoso.com

To block a domain, run the following command:

Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedDomains <MultiValuedProperty>

For example, to block the domain contoso.com, run the following command:

Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedDomains contoso.com

To block a domain and its subdomains, run the following command:

Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains <MultiValuedProperty>

For example, to block the domain contoso.com and all its subdomains, such as mail.constoso.com, run the following command:

Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains contoso.com

To block inbound messages from senders that do not specify a sender and a domain in the MAIL: FROM SMTP header, run the following command:

Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlankSenderBlockingEnabled $true